Thursday, February 11, 2010

South Carolina on My Mind

Yesterday I experienced a cultural epiphany. In a discussion about politics, I thought to myself “the State Government should have the power to stand against the Federal Government when the Federal Government oversteps its bounds”. Nothing like this has ever crossed my mind before and I realized my immersion in South Carolinian culture caused it.

I need to process the thought more deeply before I determine its legitimacy, but experiencing this sentiment allowed me to glimpse into the Southern mind in a new way. For the first time I somewhat understood the foundation for South Carolinian state pride. Most Americans are proud of their freedom to do what they want to do. Southerners root their pride in the freedom to reject what others tell them to do. As a result of this perspective, Southerners allow themselves to overlook the blemishes of their culture, insofar as those dark spots exist as a byproduct of supporting the distinctive breed of freedom; the superior value.


Ty Marsh said...

i would love to chat with you about the idea of the Fed overstepping its bounds.

State rights are a relevant topic to everyday life that is often overlooked as "we young people" struggle for legitimacy


Ty Marsh said...

i would love to chat with you about the idea of the Fed overstepping its bounds.

State rights are a relevant topic to everyday life that is often overlooked as "we young people" struggle for legitimacy
